Why wait till you hit the bottom to seek God? Why not make Jesus,your first option instead of your last? It’s always when people are at an intersection or cross-roads between a rock and a hard place, that they know who Jesus is,and try to seek Him. It’s the only time, they call on Him day and night, that’s the time they get spiritual and start to sing blessed assurance Jesus is mine, and that’s the time you will have to repent from your sins, then accept and believe on Jesus Christ, before God can truly help you.

Assurance is a positive declaration intended to give confidence. It is also a pledge  or guarantee made by someone; but times have changed, and people have changed and the meanings have escape clauses in them. For example; marriage used to be the ultimate assurance that only death will separate a man and a woman who God has joined  together in holy matrimony, but that has changed. Politicians promise to bring changes to the community, and when they get in nothing changes.

People used to have the assurance that when a door is closed, God will open a window, that allows us to climb out, without a scratch, bruise or blemish. What has happened to our confidence in our God who owns the universe, and everything in it? How easily we forget that Philippians 4:19 tells us that, “My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” In 1 Peter 5:7, His word tells us to cast all our care on Him, because He cares for us.

How did we ever allow the devil to implant doubt and fear in our minds, when God clearly tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 that, He (God) never gives us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. So now that you realize that fear is a spirit from the devil get rid of it, cast it out, rebuke it, and bind it in the Name of Jesus Christ, and loose power, love, and a sound mind.

I could fill this blog with assurance scriptures, but if you don’t read them, meditate on them, exercise or put them into practice what good is it. It’s like someone gives you a million dollars, and you never spend it, because you either forget that you have it, you just don’t know how to spend it, or what to do with it, so you just sit on it while you are hungry and in need.

Listen, it’s time to accept God’s positive declarations in the Bible,which assure us of His promises. For example: eternal life (1 John 2:25), He will add everything we need if we seek Him first (Matthew 6:33), He will direct our paths, if we acknowledge Him(Proverbs 3 :5-6), He will never leave or forsake me (Hebrew 13:5, James 1:5), nothing or no one can separate me from His love(Romans 8:38-39).Wow! This is exciting, and the Bible is full of assurances.

Thank God for His word that informs us of our assurances through His son Jesus Christ. Do you have this assurance? What are you waiting for ? Do you want it? It’s already paid for by God’s son (Jesus Christ) His ultimate gift to us. So just go to the top of this blog, click on to the salvation page, and follow the instructions, and for further studies and information, go to

All glory, praise, honor, and thanks go to God for using me to write this message. I pray that He will give you everything you need spiritually to read and understand His messages through the Bible, this blog or whatever means necessary. I pray for you to seek Him. In Jesus name, amen.