Have you ever make decisions in your life that you later regret, you just wish you could see the future, or read someones mind, even just a glimpse of the intents, contents, and desires of their hearts. But, would it have really made a difference, because sometimes,if not all the times we see the writing on the wall, or signs that this will not work, yet we ignore it, and do our own thing. Most of us spend all our lives trying to fix broken things, yet failing to realize that if God is not the glue that will hold it together, then you are wasting your time. However,if we just do as God suggest in Proverbs 3:5-8
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones”. Because He knows the hearts of people as Jeremiah 17:9-10 says,
“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the Lord , search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.

It’s amazing, how many times the devil leads us to think that our looks, money, or body will change a person, failing again to see that if God is not the catalyst for change, you might as well give up, because every opportunity the devil gets, he is going to shred it like paper.

The beauty about a child of God in situations like these,is that God promise never to leave or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5), and a whole lot more,but child of God; Listen, if you don’t know Gods promises how are you going to overcome the struggles,fights,trials,and tribulation that the enemy is throwing at you. How can you go to war without weapons,you can’t go in a boxing ring to fight without arms, so, how do you expect to defeat the devil without the word of God planted in you,without the Holy Spirit residing in you,without even accepting Gods gift of His son Jesus Christ,without living Holy and righteous,without presenting your body as a living sacrifice,holy and acceptable unto God,which is your reasonable service;and be not conformed to this world,but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,that you may prove what is that good,acceptable,and perfect will of God ( Romans 12:1-2). Now you tell me,how do you expect God to clean up your mess,your problem,your trials, if you are not serving Him? Does that, even make sence to you?Let me tell you something if you are not living right,having sex out of marriage,lying,stealing,cheating,etc.etc.you might as well stop praying;because it is written:”The effectual,fervent prayers of the righteous availed much” ( James 5:16).”For the eyes of the Lord, are over the righteous,and His ears are open unto their prayers”      ( 1 Peter 3:12).Well I am not going to belabor the point you got the message,God takes care of those who seek,love,and live for Him in all aspect of their lives. If for whatever reason you don’t know God or His only begotten son,Jesus Christ,go to the top of this blog,click on to the salvation page,then follow the instructions,it will be the best choice you ever make,drop me a note if you need help,connecting with the right people or getting help knowing Christ Jesus. I sincerely give God the glory,praise,honor,and thanks for using me to get His message to His children,I pray it bless you as it did me,and you will obey His will and ways or commands.


It’s so sad when a person can’t realize that, if your actions are going to lead people down the wrong path, then you must decrease so God can increase;John the Baptist did it so that Jesus was glorified,and  all of John’s actions were honorable,nothing to hide or be ashamed about(John 3:30). When you realize that people are talking more about you, than the God you serve, then you have increased and  God is decreasing, now that’s a big problem, and God is definitely not pleased with that;Don’t allow the wrath of God to come down on you ,because of disobedience(Ephesians 5:6),it will get worse before it gets better;Present your bodies to God,Holy and acceptable,that’s your reasonable service(Romans 12:1-2).

When you can’t see that you have crossed the line, and overstepped your boundaries, between the things and people of God then you are going down the wrong path. Because of greed, loss of title, loss of fame and fortune you are willing to sacrifice the souls, and lives of God’s children to sooth your ego and pride, then it’s wrong, and your supporters are blind, because they now turn from following God to following you. They that followeth vain persons is void of understanding(Proverbs 12: 11);Jesus said,’My sheep hears my voice,and I know them,and they follow me'( John 10:27).Listen people,be careful who you are following,the apostle paul,told the corinthian church,to follow him ,as he follow Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1),open your eyes,it’s not time to play games,and not be sure if you are Heaven bound or hell;God wants a glorious church,not having spot,or wrinkle,or any such thing;but it should be Holy and without blemish(Ephesians 5:27).

Listen, we are in the last days,where scoffers,are walking after their own lusts(2 Peter 3:2); God’s people don’t need no unnecessary distractions, to take our eyes off the prize, of the High calling of Jesus Christ(Philippians 3:14). We need to be watching and praying(Mark 14:38, Luke 21:36),instead of focusing on the troubles, and mess of this world,see then that ye walk circumspectly,not as fools but as wise,redeeming the time ,because the days are evil;wherefore be not unwise,but understand  what the will of the Lord is(Ephesians 5:15-17). When you refuse to decrease so God can increase, it shows that you are of the world, and an enemy of God, because you are looking at your losses, position, prestige, and not God. When a person is willing to sacrifice the souls of the people, which should be their primary concern, instead of bruised egos, then that’s a problem;The Bible says,Love not the world,nor its things,if you do, then Gods love is not in you,because in the world is the lust of the flesh,the eyes,and the pride of life(1 John 2:15-16).

 In life there is a limit to how far you can go without God, some people are successful, because someone in their past generation prayed for something, and the blessings materialized on them, because God is faithful and true to His promises, but when you misappropriate His blessings, to serve the devil, the calamity, and punishment is severe. So children of God please stop following man and follow God(Ephesians 5:1), He sent His only begotten Son to save us(John 3:16-17), because man could not do it, so lets read the Bible and seek Godly guidance, He will see you through.

If you don’t know the true and living God, or His son, Jesus Christ(John 3:16-17), then go to the top of this blog, click on to the salvation page, and follow the instructions. I don’t know who this message is for, but to God be the glory, praise, honor, and thanks for using me to write it. It is not bashing, it is truth.