Have you ever considered how many prayers go up to God per second? How many get answered, and how many don’t. Have you realized that half the people who pray for you need prayers for themselves, and the other half  don’t even pray, or remember you. That’s why it’s very important that you pray for yourself, at least you are positive, and one hundred percent sure, that your request, petitions, and questions are made known to God.

Praying is the only way, we as children of God can communicate with Our Heavenly Father. Before Jesus came, the people had to go through the prophets of God, to seek forgiveness of their sins (1 Samuel 12:19-25), and he was obligated to intercede on behalf of the people, because, if he did not, he would have to answer to God, it was also a sin, because he was appointed by God to pray for, and give Godly advise to Gods children (1 Samuel 12:23), I wonder how many bishops, pastors, evangelist, etc. realize that if  someone requests, seeks or asks for their prayers, and they don’t, it’s a sin. Why ? Because, that is part of the job requirement. However, I love to pray for myself, and others, because, the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16).

Now if you are righteous you have no problem, but my question to you is, how do you know for a fact that your bishop, pastor, or  whomever, is righteous? Which means you are gambling with your life, and taking a big risk. But if you are in a solid relationship with God, it renders you righteous,thus making your effectual fervent prayers availed mightily; doesn’t that make a whole lot of sense, why take a chance, yes it’s good when they pray, but it’s better when you do. The Bible says, ‘we ought always to pray’ (Luke 18:1); ‘pray without ceasing’ ( 1 Thessalonians  5:17). Jesus gave us direct access to God. He said, through His Name, ask whatever, and it’s done(John 14:13,John 16:23-26) now you tell me, why should I depend on someone, when I can do it for myself, as long as I am faithful, righteous, and Holy. Jesus shows us how to do it: Wake up early, find a secluded, and quiet place, away from the noise, and clutter of the world, so that you can hear from God.  Listen, before the day gets hectic, and chaotic you must find out from the master, what His plans are? What His will, and wishes are? In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:6). Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and everything else will be added unto you (Matthew 6:33), show me in those scriptures, where it says to seek your bishop, pastor, or anyone else. You better learn how to pray for yourself, I think the bishop, or pastor would be upset if everyone tried to wake him up early to pray for them, especially if, he himself is up praying for himself.  Prayer gets your mind, soul, and body focused on your divine assignment from God, it prepares you for the battle of the day, it prepares you not to fight, but to stand with your armor (Ephesians 6:13-18) so that when God moves you move, that’s abiding under the shadow of the almighty (Psalms 91:1).

If you don’t know God or His only begotten son Jesus Christ (John 3:16, John 14:6),then you are not privileged to this access, do you want to? Then go to the top of this blog, click on to the salvation page, then follow the simple instructions, trust me it will be the best thing you ever did in your entire life. I must give glory, praise, honor, and thanks to God for using me, to get His message out the people, I pray it blessed you as it did me, and you will obey His will and wishes for your life in Jesus Name, amen.