Isn’t it amazing,that when we are supposed to consult with our Heavenly Father about certain things,that we don’t.Or,  when we are supposed to trust Him with everything that we don’t.Unfortunately it is when we get stuck in our trials,tribulations,aches,and pain; that’s when, we are seeking Him,praying to Him,and begging Him for help.The sad part about it is, we expect God  just to fix our mess instantaneously,when we didn’t call upon Him to begin with.Most of us can’t take it when God apply the belt of truth to our butts,I can just here God saying softly,My child did seek me first?Did you follow my instructions in the Holy Bible?Have you ever obey all my commandments?Have you acknowledge me or even trust me?Did you ever try to find out the plans I have for you? Lets look at Gods answers: It is written,”God has set before us a blessing ,and a curse..Blessings when you obey His commands,and curses when you don’t obey them”(Deuteronomy 11:26-28).  It is written,”To obey is better than sacrifice ( 1 Samuel 15:22).Now ,can you imagine all the blessings you sacrifice,just because of disobedience,and then inherit all these curses.,it’s time for a real reality check-up on yourself. Hold up, God ,is not finish yet, here is some more:It’s written,”Seek ye first the kingdom of God ,and His righteousness,and everything else will be added unto you(Matthew 6:33),let me tell you a secret; blessings add,and multiply;curses subtract,and divide;now you understand why there is so much hatred,dishonesty,sexual immorality,sickness,diseases,and a whole lot of other things.     Here is another,It is written,”Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding.In all thy ways acknowledge Him;and He shall direct your path”(Proverbs 3:5-6).Yes,the sin of this one man ,Adam,caused death to rule over us,but all who received Gods wonderful,gracious gift of righteousness will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man,Jesus Christ….Because one person disobeyed God,many people became sinners,but because one other person obeyed God,many people will be made right in Gods sight( Romans 5:12-21).Are you one of the right ones ,who is obeying God,the only way to God is through His gift,His son Jesus Christ(John 3:16-17;John 6:40,Romans 5:21,John 14:6),that’s Gods written proof,and more.If you don’t Jesus Christ,as your personal Lord and savior,go to the top of this blog,click on to the salvation page,and just follow the instructions,it will be the best decision you ever make. I give God the glory,praise,honor,and thanks for using me to deliver His message to His people,I prau it blessed you as it did me,and may you walk according to His will,and way in Jesus Name ,amen.”HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS”(ROMANS 10:15)