Did you know that God has given everyone supernatural gifts through the holy spirit? Can you name them? Do you even know how they function and operate? All of Gods children have at least one supernatural gift, the question is do they realize that they have it? Do they know that this gift is for our own good? I know you are eager to know them if you don’t and this is what they are. 

There are nine gifts of the Holy Spirit that are broken down into three categories. The first category is the revelation gifts which are:the word of wisdom,the word of knowledge and the discerning of spirits. All three reveal something supernatural to the believer. The second category are the power gifts which are: the gifts of healing, the working of miracles and also  faith. These three deal with the supernatural. The third and last category are the utterance gifts which are : prophecies, interpretation of tongues and diverse kinds of tongues. All three say something about the supernatural (1 Corinthians 12:7-10). Remember that “The natural man does not receive the things of the spirit of God;for they are foolish unto him. Neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned(1 Corinthians 2:14).

Most people are so busy seeking prosperity that they do not exercise their God-given power and right. It is written “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;and you shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem,  Judea, Samaria and unto the uttermost  part of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

Here is another scripture that delves into the heart of spiritual gifts, Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions,  over all the power of the enemy,and with this nothing shall, by any means, hurt you’( Luke 10:19). Listen, the devil wants us to live a depleted and defeated life. He is after our power and authority because if you know about it and use it against him, he has no choice but to flee. Saints of God do not allow him to steal, kill and destroy you. Read the word of God and empower yourself. Study the word, meditate on it and exercise your gifts. If for whatever reason you don’t know our sovereign God or his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, then go to the top of this blog. Once there click on to the salvation page then follow the instructions. It will be the best decision you have ever made.

All glory,praises,honor and thanks go to God; our eternal king,the invisible,and the only wise God. Thank you God, for using me to minister to your people.