If you can’t think of twenty-four things that God has done for you, that you are thankful for at the end of the day, then you are dead because dead men tell no tales, and can’t say thank you. If you have nothing to thank Him for, then you are not of this world and you belong in the underworld. Stop and think of ten things or reasons to give God thanks. Allow me to help you get started:

  1. He woke you up. It doesn’t matter what time but He did, and remember He didn’t have to, don’t get it wrong or twisted you could not do it on your own.
  2. Second, He gave you breath. Without it you can’t breathe, smell or do anything. Trust me it’s a loan because He can take it back at anytime, which simply means you are dead or will be in a millisecond.
  3. Third, He clothed you in your right mind. In other words you are not mentally incompetent, where you can’t even help yourself. Did you take that for granted? Ephesians 5:20 tells us to give thanks always for all things unto God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  4. The fourth thing is, are all your body parts operational or functional? That is something to thank Him for, because many people don’t, yet what you take for granted many people wish they had. Can you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch without difficulty or not at all.

These are just simple things most people take for granted, and are ungrateful of because they fail to realize that it’s all a part of God’s love, grace, mercy and favor to us through Jesus Christ His son. Let’s add a few other things to be thankful for, a job, food, shelter, clothing, a car, children, a spouse, and so many other things. But we are so caught up and consumed with the things we don’t have, we forget to thank Him for the things we do have. It’s like the guy complaining about his old shoes, till he sees someone with no shoes happily singing and skipping down the road, before he realize he has more to be thankful for. If you are a child of God, you have plenty to be thankful for, and we can boldly say, “But thanks be to God for giving us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

After you compile your list of the things you should be thankful for, make a list of how many times you thanked Him, and compare them both. Now, who do you think loves who the most? Despite our un-gratefulness, God still provides for us. Despite of how unthankful we are, He still wakes us up, and showers us with these luxury items we take for granted.

However, if you have nothing to thank God for, then you are not living or alive; as I said earlier dead men can’t talk. I must tell you the truth, God desires and deserves more than your thanks, He wants you to live forever, to praise, and glorify Him. It is not His wish that any should perish with the devil in the pit of hell, burning with worms eating you alive. So why don’t you give Him your life, your time, your heart, and your soul, so that your final destination will be a blessing and not a curse, something to be thankful for, instead of having regrets. God has blessed us so many times since we were born, if we should add up the things He has done for us till now, it would surpass our present age. Think about it: His grace, mercies, unlimited and unmerited favors, countless blessings seen and unseen, the list goes on. Let me repeat, if you have nothing to thank God for then you are not His child, you belong to the devil and your destination is hell.

Do you want your final destination to be heaven? Then go to the top of this blog, click on to the salvation page, then follow the instructions. It will be the best thing you ever do. PLEASE don’t stop there ask God to guide you to a Bible believing Church to fellowship with others in the Body of Christ. Once you have accepted Christ you are in the body of Christ and you are part of the family.

 Now unto the King, Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, the only wise God be all glory, praise honor, and thanks for using me to share this message with His children.